U B Kool ( Permanent Ice Cube )

Fast Freeze
Instant Wine / Beer / Water / Juice Cooler

Frost Fire
Instant Cooling of wine( Fast Freeze ) + Instant Heating of Coffee ( Micro Wave Oven ) Combines. So both the Instant Cooling / Heating is in one device

Insty Ice
Make Ice wherever you want, whenever you want

Insty Cool Cans / Tubes
Insty Cool Cans / Tubes brings down the temp of a bottle / can from ambient to refrigerated temp in a few seconds ! An aluminum tube containing 30 mL of liquid Carbon Dioxide is positioned at the center of a Can. When the can is opened it also releases the liquid CO2 which hisses out to the ambient taking all the existing amount of heat in the beverage ( carbonated Drink ). This cools the Can instantaneously
This is a one person transporter for short distances such as in Shopping Malls, Airports, Conventions / Expos, around the block, etc. Works on rechargeable battery. Can be assembled and dissembled in few seconds. When not in use, either it can be easily pulled on its wheels OR carried as a backpack