All around the world hundreds of thousand women are killed due to breast cancer. More number than this goes through painful Chemo Therapy. This is because they did not identify the tumor which was 5 mm or less in size. After this it will spread to all nodes.
At the comfort of her home by wearing e-Bra for 10 minutes in a month, it will detect any tiny tumor. If positive it beeps. Then the lady goes to a doctor to get biopsy done. If it is cancerous then the lady’s life is saved. No beeps, lady repeats it in the following month.
Based on solid scientific principles. A “ proof of concept ” protype is built.

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Electronic Ovulation Monitor
All over the world women will know when she gets cold or fever. But she do not know when she Ovulates, once a month. To prevent unwanted baby Billions of dollars are spent on Birth Control Pills and other paraphernalia. In the event undesired pregnancy is detected then dangerous abortion is carried out. Our Patent Product Electronic Ovulation Monitor detects a viable egg at any given time. This thermometer like but micro processor based device is inserted before any intimacy. In about 45 seconds, if a viable egg is present or about to released then a series of beeps is heard at the other end of the tube and the woman can also see a blinking tiny red LED light. Then she takes needed precautions to avoid the pregnancy